Class Syllabus

All courses carry a weight of three (3) credits, except for Independent Ministries, which has a weight of four (4) credits. A total of 120 credits must be accumulated in order to graduate.

The grading system is as follows: 
-90-100 = A (GPA = 4)
- 80-89 = B (GPA = 3)
- 70-79 = C (GPA = 2)
- 60-69 = D (GPA = 1)
- 0-59 = F (no credit is granted)

A minimum GPA of 1.0 is required for graduation. Incomplete courses will result in no credit being granted.

The following codes represent different courses: 
-BD = Bible Doctrines
- BI = Bible Books and Bible Sections
- CC = Christian Counseling
- MP = Ministry Preparation
- IM = Independent Ministry (Independent Ministry courses will be be added to the curriculum during the third year of
          study. Your pastor will assign you an area of ministry in your church. He will also be responsible for grading your

If you have any questions about the school, please contact us, and we will respond as soon as possible.

Year 1                  Trimester 1

CC-101 Personal Christian Growth
MP-101 Personal Evangelism
BI-101 Genesis I
BD-101 Bible Doctrines I

Year 2                  Trimester 1

BI-201 Exodus/Conquest
MP-201 Personal and Church 
MP-211 Baptist History
MP-221 Cults

Year 3                  Trimester 1

MP-301 Sermon/Lesson Preparation
BI-301 Life of Christ
MP-311 Hermeneutics
MP-321 Pagan Christianity
IM - 301 Independent Ministry

Year 1                  Trimester 2

CC-102 Theory of  Addiction
BI-102 Genesis II
BD-102 Bible Doctrines II
BI-112 The Book of John

Year 2                  Trimester 2

BI-202 New Testament Survey
BD-202 The Tabernacle
BD-212 Doctrine of Angels
MP-201 The Language of Music

Year 3                  Trimester 2

MP-302 Public Speaking
BD-302 The Account Which We Must
BI-312 The Message of the Heavens
MP-312 Jewish History
IM - 302 Independent Ministry

Year 1                  Trimester 3

BD-103 Fruit of the Spirit
MP-103 The Clock is Ticking (urgency)
BI-103 Promises of God
MP-113 Who Do You Serve - and Why?

Year 2                  Trimester 3

BD-203 Laws of the Harvest
BI-203 The Book of Ruth
MP-203 The Praying Church
MP-213 Personal and Church Finances

Year 3                  Trimester 3

MP-303 People, Pastors, Boards
MP-313 Power Principles
BI-303 The Book of Revelation
BI-313 Samson
IM 303 - Independent Ministry