
The ministries at The Upper Room are varied and diverse. Below, you will find a listing of the ministries and a brief description of each.

Sunday Morning Worship - 9:00 AM - We meet to worship and point everything toward the God of Heaven. We have recently combined our evening and morning service, but we still accomplish all that was done in both services Sunday morning. Join us for a time of praise through singing and testimony. Enter into a meaningful time of prayer. Take part in a Bible discussion as we focus on Bible teaching and preaching. 

Centre Region Baptist College (CRBC) - The purpose of CRBC is to aid in the training of those who wish to serve God in a greater way, whether it be as full-time workers or as laypeople. The school offers both in-class training and a home study option. For more information, please use the Contact form, and someone will reach out to you shortly. 

Tuesday Night Bible Study  
- 6:00 PM -  We would love to have you visit us on Tuesday nights for a time of Bible study and prayer. Come and join us!

Saturday Morning Soul-winning - 
10:00 AM - a time of sharing our faith in the community and round about. The main focus of Saturday morning is door-to-door witnessing.

Centre Care Nursing Home -
Services are held the first Wednesday of the month at 2:00 PM.

HeartFelt Christian Ministries (HMC) - A comprehensive counseling service of The Upper Room. We offer one-on-one counseling, group counseling and intervention as part of our support services. Deborah Kovacic is also available to minister to women and children at your church gatherings on topics related to emotional and spiritual health. 
For more information on how HCM can assist you or your church, please contact Mrs. Kovacic by using the Contact form.

The Great American Fast - 
God has put a great burden for revival upon Pastor Kovacic's heart. This has led to The Great American Fast, a call to America to once again seek her God through prayer and fasting . This annual event is scheduled  for the second weekend of September (Friday 6:00 PM - Saturday 6:00 PM). This year's date is Friday September 12  and continuing through September 13, 2025. Free lodging for the event is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Spring and Fall Revival Services - TBD